
Validate a Subnet

This page demonstrates how to configure nodes to validate an Avalanche Subnet.

This page demonstrates how to configure nodes to validate an Avalanche Subnet. Subnet Validation via Avalanche-CLI is currently only supported on Fuji and Devnet.

ALPHA WARNING: This command is currently in experimental mode. Proceed at your own risk.


Before we begin, you will need to have:

  • Created a Cloud Server node as described for AWS or GCP
  • A node bootstrapped to the Primary Network (run avalanche node status <clusterName> to check bootstrap status) (Ignore for Devnet)
  • Deployed a Subnet on Fuji or Devnet
  • Stored key / Ledger with AVAX to pay for gas fess associated with adding node as Primary Network and Subnet Validator transactions. Instructions on how to fund stored key on Fuji can be found here (Ignore for Devnet)

Sync with Subnet

Before the nodes can be Subnet Validators, the nodes need to first sync with the Subnet.

To have all nodes in cluster clusterName sync with Subnet subnetName, run:

avalanche node sync <clusterName> <blockchainName>

All the nodes in cluster clusterName will now be syncing to Subnet subnetName.

Wait until nodes are successfully Syncing with the Subnet before running the next commands.

To check sync status, run avalanche node status <clusterName> --subnet <blockchainName>. Once the node is finished syncing, the response will be:

All nodes in cluster `clusterName` are synced to Subnet `subnetName`

Be a Subnet Validator

Once the nodes have synced, we can now have the nodes be Subnet Validators.

To have the nodes be Subnet Validators, run:

avalanche node validate subnet <clusterName> <blockchainName>

For Fuji Only: If any of the nodes is not yet a Primary Network Validator, we will first add it as a Primary Network Validator.

The wizard will ask us how we want to pay for the transaction fees. Choose Use stored key for Fuji:

 Which key source should be used to pay transaction fees?:
 Use stored key
    Use ledger

Once you have selected the key to pay with, choose how many AVAX you would like to stake in the validator. Default is the minimum amount of AVAX that can be staked in a Fuji Network Validator. More info regarding minimum staking amount in different networks can be found here.

 What stake weight would you like to assign to the validator?:
 Default (1.00 AVAX)

Next, choose how long the node will be validating for:

 How long should your validator validate for?:
 Minimum staking duration on primary network

Once all the inputs are completed you will see a transaction ID indicating that the node is now a Primary Network Validator.

Note: if you see an error indicating that the transaction is not committed, run avalanche node validate subnet <clusterName> <blockchainName> again as it could be due to the validator start time having elapsed.

We will then proceed with adding the node as a Subnet Validator. Similar to adding the node as a Primary Network Validator, the wizard will ask you for how you would like to pay for the transaction fee.

Once that is completed, you will be asked what stake you would like to assign the Subnet Validator:

 What stake weight would you like to assign to the validator?:
 Default (20)

Note that for this part, you are not staking actual AVAX in the validator. This is an arbitrary weight that you are assigning to the validator. Next, enter the start and end time for the node to validate the Subnet.

Once all input is completed, you will another transaction ID indicating that the node is now scheduled to be a Subnet Validator.

Once the start time that you chose for the node to be a Subnet Validator has elapsed, verify that the node is a Subnet validator by running avalanche node status <clusterName> --subnet <blockchainName>.

You should see:

All nodes in cluster `clusterName` are validators to Subnet `subnetName`

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